Thursday, October 19, 2006

Day 8 - Sydney Harbour

Weather: Started off cloudy and windy, became sunny and fair, and then reverted to cloudy and windy.

The weather in the morning didn't look too bad, but then again it wasn't so good that we felt we could commit ourselves to a day at the beach, so the Royal Botanic Gardens it was. At least we could get some sunshine there.

We tried to visit the Rose Gardens but it was closed for redevelopment. Instead, we lazed around on the lawn facing the Sydney Harbour (Farmer's Cove), reading the Sydney Morning Herald. Lovely!

the bench we were eyeing...

As the morning progressed, the weather seemed to hold so we made a dash for Manly. Yay, another ferry ride. This time we sat outside on the front deck, with the wind blowing in our faces. I love the part where the ferry rocks and rolls with the swells where the harbour merges with the open sea.

hey hey an environmentally friendly yacht

my favourite part of the ride

HM shopped while I took photos. She bought a bikini! Score one coconut for HM (clap clap clap clap clap).


first you eat downstairs, then you go upstairs

shopping paradise for surfers

gee, how can one tell this is an Asian family? (clue: what's that he's holding in his hand?)

By the time we finished shopping, the weather had turned bad again. We hung around watching the waves, while eating some great finger foods – sushi rolls from some Japanese take-away and fresh rice paper wraps from 3 Ducks. Both the duck wrap and prawn wrap were excellent. I can't understand why Singapore snack shops don't sell rice paper wraps. They are perfect for a warm climate.

Then it was back to the hotel for a shower and off to the Pitt Street mall area for more shopping.
HM was on a roll! She surveyed the goods while I took photos in the not-quite dying light. Caught some buskers at work.

would that be for airfare or...?

We managed to buy prezzies for rellies and friends – chocolate sauce, jams and so on. HM bought a pair of ¾ denim pants and a Kookai white top with a zebra print (tres cute!)

We ended up at Betty's Soup Kitchen for dinner. Ah, talk about food to warm the cockles of one's heart with – lamb stew for me, and goulash for HM. A good way to end a hard day of walking and shopping!


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